1. Prva asociacija na »Alex Mar«
2. Kateremu letnemu času si najbolj podoben?
Pomlad, ker takrat vse oživi.
3. Če bi lahko potoval v času, kam bi se odpravil?
V čas antične Grčije… Seveda zaradi orgij!
4. S katero znano osebo, bi se odpravil na samotni otok?
Larry David.
5. Katere sladice se ne moreš prenajest?
Kar koli z jagodo, Jaffa keksi.
6. Opiši Ajdovščino v enem stavku.
Beda, ker je premalo dogajanja, predvsem za mlade.
7. Kaj je to ljubezen?
Ko imaš nekoga ful rad, ga spoštuješ in ga želiš imeti ob sebi.
8. Če bi ulovil zlato ribico in imel eno željo, kaj bi jo prosil?
Da mi odplača kredite.
9. Kaj bi rad znal, pa ne znaš?
Risat. Občudujem ljudi ki lepo rišejo! Na žalost sam tega nimam v sebi... In nikoli ne bom imel!
10. Tvoj nasvet mladim bi bil?
Vztrajajte pri tem, kar delate, ker rezultati ne bodo prišli čez noč!
11. Kako si pristal v svetu glasbe?
Elektronsko glasbo poslušam že približno 12 let. Najprej sem začel z obiskovanjem party-jev in že od začetka mi je bil zanimiv aspekt dj-a. Takrat sicer ni bilo denarja za nakup opreme, pa tudi žuranje je bilo bolj mikavno, kot se posvetiti čemur koli drugemu! Zadnja 3 leta pa se ukvarjam z dj-anjem!
12. Kdaj pri svojem delu najbolj uživaš?
Hm… Na party-ju, ko vidim folk, ki uživa ob muziki, ki jo vrtim.
13. Kateri stil elektronske glasbe ti trenutno najbolj ugaja?
Techno. Je pa res da je »techno« širok pojem in zavzema veliko podzvrsti, tako da mojega trenutnega stila ne morem točno opredeliti! Rad eksperimentiram in se ne želim omejevati samo na en stil, tako da je nekakšna mešanica dark driving techna z veliko dozo drugih stilov.
14. Opažamo, da se v zadnjem času posvečaš tudi lastni produkciji glasbe. Je to tvoja prihodnost?
V bistvu se posvečam toliko, kot mi ostane prostega časa od redne službe, kar je v zadnjem času, na žalost, skoraj nič! Res je, da je glasbena produkcija prihodnost, ker ti lahko odpre veliko vrat – pod pogojem, da je kvalitetna in da izdajaš na znanih založbah! V bistvu pa ne vem, kakšna je moja prihodnost, ker to delam zaradi svoje ljubezni do elektronske glasbe in ne s ciljem, da bi kdaj uspel! Delam majhne korake in, če se na tej poti zgodi kaj velikega, toliko bolje.
15. Se pred določenim nastopom temeljito pripraviš, ali je vseeno več »improvizacije«, pač glede na vzdušje med obiskovalci?
Kakšnih posebnih priprav nimam, je pa res, da si pred nastopom pripravim nekaj komadov, ki jih bom sigurno zavrtel. Drugo je pa vse odvisno, kako večer poteka in kakšen je vibe na party-ju.
16. S prihodom t.i. »elektronskih zvezd MTV-ja« je v zadnjem času ta zvrst glasbe močno pridobila na popularnosti, obenem pa izginja tista prava alter elektronska scena. Kakšno mnenje imaš o tej »MTV produkciji« elektronske glasbe.
Sam spoštujem vse zvrsti glasbe, je pa res, da sem bolj fokusiran na underground sceno! Zame je ta MTV glasba komercialna glasba, ki se prodaja. Tudi taka zvrst mora obstajati, ker nimamo vsi enakega okusa.
17. V čem meniš, da bi se lahko še izboljšal pri svojem delu, oz. kje misliš, da lahko še napreduješ?
Vedno lahko napreduješ in dosegaš boljše rezultate. Sam sem osebno komaj na začetku svoje kariere in se moram še veliko naučiti, zato sem vesel, da v današnjem času, polnem zavisti, poznam veliko ljudi, ki smo si pripravljeni med seboj pomagati!
18. Kakšno je tvoje mnenje o sceni v Sloveniji glede elektronske glasbe?
Zelo slabo! Skoraj vsako leto prihajajo ista imena in vse je postalo monotono! Veliko organizatorjev seveda gleda, da bi zaslužili čim več, in tako se »izgublja« na kvaliteti in zaupanju ljudi, ki poznajo in spremljajo elektronsko sceno. Na srečo obstaja nekaj ekip ki organizirajo party-je v manjših klubih in se vsakič trudijo ponuditi nekaj novega.
19. S katerim znanim imenom iz sveta elektronske glasbe, bi rad nekoč sodeloval?
Richie Hawtin.
20. Sodeloval si na 1. Ajdovskem tednu mode. Kaj meniš o dogodku? Se ti zdi, da bi moral postati tradicionalen?
Da, z Dj Dahlilo sva vrtela oba dni! Dogodek se mi je zdel odličen, nekaj novega za Ajdovščino, pa tudi za širšo okolico, kolikor mi je znano! Take stvari podpiram, škoda samo, ker se ga ni udeležilo več ljudi. Prepričan sem da bo naslednje leto obisk večji.
Zanima me kako mislite popestriti zimsko dogajanje v Ajdovščini?
Ufff, za zimsko dogajanje, je težko, zdaj, skorajda sredi poletja, kaj pametnega napovedovati. Bo pa zagotovo zelo zanimivo jesensko dogajanje. Spremljaj!
english version of MC21 - Alex Mar
1. Alex Mar – what’s the first thing that comes to your mind?
2. If you were one of the four seasons, which one would you be?
Spring, because that’s when everything comes to life.
3. If you could travel in time, where would you go?
Back to ancient Greece… For the orgies, of course! :)
4. Which celebrity would you got to a deserted island with?
Larry David.
5. Which dessert you can never get enough of?
Anything with strawberries, Jaffa Cakes.
6. Describe Ajdovščina, your local town, using only one sentence.
It sucks, because there is nothing to do, especially for younger generations.
7. What is love?
When you really like somebody, respect them and want them around.
8. If you caught a goldfish and it’d grant you one wish, what would it be?
To pay off all of my loans.
9. Is there a skill you’d like to have, but you don’t?
Yeah, I’d like to draw. I admire people who can really draw! Unfortunately, I don’t have that in me… And I never will!
10. If you could give one advice to the young, what would it be?
Persist in what you’re doing, because results don’t come overnight!
11. How did you end up in the world of music?
I’ve listened to electronic music for about 12 years now. At first, I was only going to parties for fun and already from the get-go, I’ve found the aspect of the DJ intriguing. Back then, I didn't have enough money to buy any equipment. Besides, there was the partying which was more tempting than anything else! But for the last 3 years I’ve been DJing.
12. What do you enjoy the most, when you’re DJing?
Hmm… At a party, when I see that people enjoy listening to my music.
13. Which electronic genre do you prefer at the moment?
Techno. But “techno” is, in fact, a wide concept including numerous subgenres, so it's hard for me to pinpoint my current style. I like to experiment and I don't want to limit myself to one genre only, so I’d describe my style as dark driving techno with plenty of other influences thrown in the mix.
14. We've noticed that you’ve started to work on your own production recently. Is this your future?
Since I have a steady job, I do what I can, when I get time off from work which unfortunately is close to nothing these days! It’s true that music production is the future, since it can open many doors – if it’s good and if you have a chance to release your tracks at a well-known label! But in fact, I don’t know what my future is, because I do this for my love of electronic music and not with a set goal to succeed one day! I’m taking baby steps and if something great happens down the road, even better.
15. How do your preparations look like before a gig – do you plan everything in advance or is there still some room for “improvisation” where you take the atmosphere of the crowd into consideration?
There is no special routine, but I do prepare some tracks in advance which I definitely include in my set that night. Everything else depends on how the evening evolves and on the vibe at the party.
16. With the occurrence of the so called “MTV stars of electronic music”, this genre’s become more and more popular over the last few years, but at the same time, the true alter electronic scene is disappearing. What’s your opinion on the “MTV production” of electronic music?
I respect all music genres, but I am, in fact, more focused on the underground scene! If you ask me, MTV music is commercial music which sells. This kind of music has to exist as well, because we don’t all share the same taste.
17. What could you improve about your work even more, where’s there still room for progress?
There’s always room for progress and one can always get even better. I’m only at the beginning of my career and I have plenty to learn, so I’m glad that I’ve surrounded myself with lots of people who are willing to support each other since there is envy and jealousy everywhere!
18. What’s your opinion on the electronic scene in Slovenia?
Very bad! Almost every year we host the exact same DJs and everything's become monotonous! Of course, many promoters are trying to make as much money as possible therefore quality itself and the trust of people, who know and keep up with the electronic scene, are at stake. Fortunately, there are some groups of people who organize parties at small clubs and try to introduce something fresh each time.
19. Whom from the world of electronic music would you like to work with someday?
Richie Hawtin.